Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dear Fellow Bloggers

I am not a robot.  I promise.

I don't like having to prove I am a human.  It's very frustrating for me.

You see... I really stink at those Captcha things.  In fact, I can promise you that it will take me at least 3 5 7 attempts to get the code right. 

Picture it.  Me, leaning over keyboard to get my nose as close as possible to the screen.  Muttering to myself... "What?  Is that an h, or an l and an n shoved really close together?  s.l.c.o.o.h.m.u.  Slcoohmu?  Is that right?  What in the world is a slcoohmu?  Is that even a real word?  Is that an 8?"  Once I have settled on what I believe to be the magical mystery code which will give me access to comment; I hit enter.  Only to be told that what I have entered does not match and I must try again.  And again.  And again. 

At some point in the process I am going to take one look at the code and tell it to refresh without even attempting because it is so messed up and blurry.

Two things have likely happened by this time:

I have started to wonder if there is some deep secret I don't know about myself.  Such as: maybe, just maybe, I actually am one of the nefarious spamming robots. 


I have lost all interest in the comment I was attempting to make in the first place.

I share all of this to say that I hope you will forgive me if I do not comment regularly on your posts.  It's not that I am not reading; but rather that my tired little robot brain just can't face yet one more log in process. 


  1. OMG, I have tried to make comments on dozens of blogs and those things get me every time. I don't understand it!

  2. That's why we should get rid of the captcha things completely! *sigh* I struggle with that too, sometimes. It's definitely annoying. Glad I figured out how to take that off long ago...

  3. My blog is word verification free... I dont understand why some bloggers still verify whether we r robo or human...

    1. Maybe they suspect we are secretly Cylons? LOL

  4. Love it! Sing it, sista! I don't have captcha on my blog, but I do know that Blogger itself can be annoying to comment on.

    1. Yes, just the process of posting on some sites like Blogger is enough without the captcha!

  5. I can't stand them, either and lots of times just guess at the numbers that are already blurry, but even blurrier thru these dollar store readers!! ;) Glad I'm not alone!!! I don't have the captcha on my blog and wish they would just do away with it altogether!!!

    1. I'm glad to hear others struggle with seeing the codes as much as I do. I was really starting to worry about myself. (ok, not reeeaaally)

  6. This made me laugh because I was just commenting on another site and it took me THREE tries before I accurately deciphered the strangely shaped letters and tiny numbers! I felt rather victorious when I got the 'go'! Thanks for stopping by today!

    1. There is that rush of "YES!" when finally getting it right, isn't there? HA!!

  7. OMG I hate hate hate capta it is a royal PITA
    I am a human too.
    Anyway, I have decided to give you a small gift it is the Liebster award, you need to go to my blog to get the instructions if you haven't done this. NO worries you do not have to participate if you don't want to, I won't be offended it's all in good fun is all.

    1. Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much. I know it the great scheme of my blogging it really shouldn't matter - but truth is I love awards! LOL

  8. I love this post. I have had that very same problem. Those captcha things I always get wrong. It is so dang frustrating, and time and again I just move on. Thanks for speaking my truth. Angelia at dixielandcountry.com

    1. I'm so happy to hear that people are really connected with this post! I was afraid it was going to offend some.

  9. I feel horrible but after the 3rd try I am done wanting to try anymore, I have one shot at a very clever comment & the blam captcha steps in & i am now looking stupidly off subject...I am human see me roar!!

    1. Don't feel horrible. It seems there are many of us in the same boat.

  10. I'm the same way. It's so frustrating. I have to ask my husband all the time if he can help me figure it out. We both look so silly squinting and turning out heads to figure out what the heck is going on in that little window!

    1. I know, right??? Welcome to the gang of cyber-bots! ;0)

  11. AMEN! I really hate when I try to comment on my iPhone and as soon as the keyboard pops up the captcha is just covered enough.

    1. I can't begin to imagine the torture of trying to solve a captcha on a phone!

  12. Very true indeed. Sometimes I can't make out of those words. I kept on refreshing it. It can be frustrating.


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