Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Feeling Honored

I t has been a week of honors for my little blog!  I am humbled and honored to have my blog be recognized by other bloggers.  And so very grateful that God has given me a blog to write about the journey of my life and to share what He shows me about His grace and power every day with others. To Him be the glory!

First, Tales of Beauty for Ashes featured my post Made Perfect In Weakness  for this week's Into The Word Wednesday

Second, Caffeinated Country Diva Diaries bestowed upon me the greatly sought after and coveted Liebster Award. 

It seems there are a whole set of rules to the Liebster award.  I hope she will forgive me if I humbly accept the award while skipping the rest of the steps.


  1. Oh sweetie I understand that you don't want to do the steps it's all good I am just happy to share it with you. Your blog helped me in many ways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and words with us all.

    1. It really was an honor to have you recognize my blog. It gives me such joy to know that it has helped you in any way!! :)

  2. wow! good for you!! congrats on your awards!!


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