Friday, October 19, 2012

If Only : The Follow Friday Four Fill In


TGIF! Which means it's time again for the Follow Friday Four Fill In Blog Hop! Each week, Feeling Beachie gives us four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.

Want to be featured as a Co-Host to the hop? Come up with four fill in’s of your own and email them to her at If she uses them, you get a nice little mention in that weeks hop! Please help her out and email some statements! This week’s co-host is Jessica from Black and White with a Little Bit of Pink she came up with the last two statements.

Since Feeling Beachie is sharing with us - it's only fair that we share also! Please be sure to tweet, facebook, etc about the Follow Friday blog hop. If you tweet, please use #f5-bloghop And add the little linky tool there at the bottom to your own blog if you participate.

And now... for the moment you've all been waiting for!! 
This Week's Statements!
1. If only ___ then ___
2. When I was little I ___
3. I think ___ is for ____
4. I feel happiest when_____


Wait for it....

1. If only I didn't need to sleep  then I could get so much more accomplished!
2. When I was little I had very very blond hair!
3. I think Trix is for kids.(silly rabbit!)
4. I feel happiest when I am with the Man of the House


  1. I wish there was no sleep needed too. I was blond for a few months when I was under one, and then again for 10 years starting when I was 18

    1. ah yes... I have also been blond for different time periods in my life. Until I finally just embraced my red-headed side and went with it

  2. Love the Trix comment! Those commercials were always frustrating. I just wanted the rabbit to be able to eat some cereal.

    1. I know! Dontcha just feel kind of sorry for him?

  3. This looks like a lot of fun!!!


  4. That is so romantic :-) And I am with you on no sleep part :-)

    1. Thanks :0) Think of how much we could get done if we didn't need sleep to recharge our batteries!

  5. I almost wrote about being a toehead blonde, & I need to find some extra time for things to get done but I do like to sleep!! Have a great weekend :]

    1. I do too! Which is why I don't get more accomplished! LOL


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts!