Friday, October 12, 2012

Undercooked Rice: The Follow Friday Four Fill-In

TGIF! Which means it's time again for the Follow Friday Four Fill In Blog Hop! Each week, Feeling Beachie gives us four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.

Want to be featured as a Co-Host to the hop? Come up with four fill in’s of your own and email them to her at If she uses them, you get a nice little mention in that weeks hop! Please help her out and email some statements! This week’s co-host is Janice from Rockin' My Journey she came up with the last two statements.

Since Feeling Beachie is sharing with us - it's only fair that we share also! Please be sure to tweet, facebook, etc about the Follow Friday blog hop. If you tweet, please use #f5-bloghop And add the little linky tool there at the bottom to your own blog if you participate.
This week’s statements:
1. Given the choice of ___ or ___ for ___ I’d pick ___
2. If you told me ____ I would never have believed you
3. The last time I cooked_______it came out_______.
4. My favorite color is ___

My Responses:
1. Given the choice of ice cream or cake for dessert  I’d pick the ice cream. The answer is always ice cream.
2. If you told me a few years ago that I would become a born again Christ follower I would never have believed you
3. The last time I cooked rice it came out undercooked.
4. My favorite color is periwinkle blue


  1. I almost picked desserts also :))
    i am glad you are a Christ follower and great shade of blue :))
    Have a blessed weekend feel better completely!!

  2. You need a rice cooker! Wonderful devices they are! -Corey

    1. I usually do ok. Not sure what happened that last time.

  3. I love the boil in bag rice because it gets done fast and usually there's never a problem of under cooking it! And I'd probably pick ice cream too, especially if they have vanilla with some hot fudge sauce.

    1. I use those a lot! I've been trying some rice I bought in bulk at the natural foods grocery and doing ok until that last time.

  4. i would pick ice cream too!

    1. Always... always ice cream! Even when it's freezing outside!

  5. I love ice cream! But, what about cake ala mode? Then you don't have to choose :)

    1. I'd probably still pick the ice cream! Hahahaha!


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