Friday, September 28, 2012

Challenge Me!!

I enjoyed challenging myself to the Seven Days Without Coffee and documenting the process very much.  So much, that I'm already thinking ahead to the next challenge!  I have a few ideas of my own; such as 7 Days Without Sugar, 30 Days of Exercise, or 7 Days Without Gluten.  But I could use your help! 

What should I challenge myself to next?

Please leave your reasonable challenge ideas in the comments.  


  1. 7 Volunteering Adventures! Challenge issued.

    1. Hmmm... Interesting. Would it need to take place during a certain amount of time?

    2. Nah, just whenever it's convenient, I'd say. This challenge needs more coordination with other folks, so it'll take more time. You could, perhaps, make it 6 volunteering adventures, and do it every other month for the course of a year. That would give you plenty of time to find events you want to lend a hand to.

  2. 7 days to write letters to 7 people who have impacted your life. :-)

  3. Kisschronicles had a wonderful idea and Marci! I liked reading _365 Thank Yous_, you might enjoy it too (quick read). The gluten and sugar challenge will be really hard and a good challenge. Gluten is in everything, even things w/o sugar. But, sugar (in all its many forms) is in everything too! Both good choices. I'll be following your progress!!

    1. Thanks! I'll probably do both at one point or another in the future. Stay tuned!

  4. This may not be an issue for you... How about seven days of NO complaining. I catch myself complaining about traffic or our (Pa.)rainy weather. Hey, maybe I should take this challenge! Thanks for the post and thanks for visiting Mary @ Woman to Woman today!

    1. Oooh.. that would be tough! Thanks for the idea!


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