Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gonna Be A Busy Week: Updated!

Another good week with a lot accomplished!  Feeling very good about how things have been going on the weekly to do lists recently!

To Do September 17 - 21:
  • Get mani-pedi  
  • Go to The Man of the House's softball game  
  • Get Queen B's Busy Work order mailed  
  • Catch up on laundry
  • Babysit grand baby on Monday  
  • Wednesday: help prep for The Gathering
  • Attend The Gathering Thursday night
  • Post new items for Queen B's Busy Work  
  • Purchase/order yarn for Queen B's Busy Work custom order  
  • Start work on Queen B's Busy Work custom order  Have a few questions for customer before I can begin
  • Write!! 
  • Finish reading current book  Not quite, but have to finish by Tuesday when it's due!
  • Make and freeze soup and pasta sauce for dinners this week and future meals


  1. That is one heck of a dent in that list. Seems the only thing on my list I have covered is relaxing. :-) So far anyway... :-)

    1. That's what I'd like to have completed on my list!! ;0)


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