Friday, September 7, 2012

Time and Money: The Follow Friday Four Fill-in

It's time again for the Follow Friday Four Fill In Blog Hop! Each week, Feeling Beachie gives us four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.

Want to be featured as a Co-Host to the hop? Come up with four fill in’s of your own and email them to her at If she uses them, you get a nice little mention in that weeks hop! Please help her out and email some statements! This week’s co-host is Janice from Janice's Footsteps she came up with the last two statements.

It's only far that we share and share alike! So, since Feeling Beachie is sharing with us - be sure to tweet, facebook, etc about the Follow Friday blog hop. If you tweet, please use #f5-bloghop And add the little linky tool there at the bottom to your own blog if you participate!

This week’s statements:
1. I wish I had ___ to ___
2. I stopped wearing ____
3. My favorite song right now is_________because________.
4. I always sing while________.

1. I wish I had more time and money to invest in Queen B's Busy Work

2. I stopped wearing perfume and/or body spray as my allergies have gotten worse and I couldn't figure out what was causing a rash

3. My favorite song right now is Jesus, Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns because I like the message of extending grace to others

4. I always sing while driving or riding in the car (much to the annoyance of the offspring!).


  1. I love Casting Crowns!!! I wear perfume less often because when I carry the grandson I know it isn't for him to be snug up in my neck full of perfume it is a fair trade LOL

    1. I love Casting Crowns also. One of my favs! Oooh... good point! Perfume probably isn't good for the grandbaby either! One more reason not to wear it.

  2. You know ... I also have some allergies but not that bad. Just red spot for less than 30 minutes or so and then they disappeared.

    1. I've always been a blotchy gal. Especially on my neck and chest. But recently peanuts (and something else) have been causing my face to get a horrible eczema rash and blow up like a balloon.

  3. Replies
    1. I wish I could go back to the days when it just made me sneeze! :)


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts!