Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday: September 27

Thursday is the day when I pause to take a few minutes and just soak in all the blessings which have been poured over me during the past week.

This week I am thankful for:

The Man of the House: For bringing me Nyquil, lotion tissues, and ginger ale when I was sick with a head cold earlier this week.

My "Baby" Sister:  Who sent me a gift card to my favorite bookstore because she was thinking about me wanted to make me smile! (which actually made me cry a little - in a good way)

The Grand baby:  Because no matter how grumpy I am or worn out I feel, he makes me smile and laugh every single day

What are you thankful for?  Please share in the comments section.  OR - even better: write your own "Thankful Thursday" post and share the link in the comments.  And I would also be very thankful if you also included a mention and a link back to this blog somewhere in your post. 


  1. Sounds like you have some peeps looking out for you! :)

  2. and now I cried because my "baby" sister wasn't thinking about me and didn't want to make me smile.....bah humbug!! LOL

    1. She probably figured you were too busy wedding planning to do any reading! ;0)

    2. Perhaps she was thinking of you BOTH and has plans for you too...

  3. Love your list! What a joy for you it must be for you to have a grandbaby. There is something so good about little munchkin cheeks. :-) with joys. Btw...I'm really enjoying following your blog. ;-)

    1. As wonderful as being a mother is - being a grandmother is that much better! He is such a joy to me! I am glad you are enjoying the blog. I appreciate you reading and commenting! :0)

  4. Such a sweet hubby you have taking care of you! And a sweet baby sister to send you a gift! :) Your whole list is definitely thank-worthy. Are you feeling better?

    1. Yes, I am! Thank you for asking. The headcold swept through our family over the past week. Fortunately it was one of those 48 hour deals which hits fast and hard and then vanishes just as quickly.

  5. It's always a good thing to stop and realize how blessed you are from time to time. It takes the sting out of everyday disappointments and recenters a person. Thanks for such a sweet post Beckey.

    1. It certainly does help perspective when I am intentional about looking for the blessings and the good things in my life!


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