Saturday, September 1, 2012

September Goals

September?  Is that right?  September?  I keep thinking it must be wrong, because I JUST typed out the list of goals for August - like yesterday or the day before, right?  Right? No?  I was afraid of that. 

Oh well.  A new month = new goals.  And here they are.

September Goals:
  • Finish "About" page for Queen B's Busy Work
  • Continue making new items for Queen B's Busy Work
  • Do SOMETHING to start organizing crafting area!
  • Schedule a September date night with The Man of the House
  • Make more time for reading
  • Write everyday - either blogging or writing journal (or both!)
  • Start making at least 2 Christmas presents
  • Take some relaxing time for me each week (give myself a pedi, take a bubble bath, etc)


  1. Time for you is so important!! and the date night!! Happy September I wish you success on your goals :]

  2. great list! i love to-do lists!
    my dear hubby and i go on regular date nights, and we find it very, um, therapeutic. it connects us, as we lose tough in the hustle and bustle of life with the kids. i too am a big advocate of self-care. i'm not great at it, but i try to be good to myself every so often! good luck with the list!

    1. I'm terrible about the self care, but trying to get better. The man of the house and I try to go on a date night at least once a month. VERY important! :0) Thank you so much for visiting my blogs and for your comments.

  3. Great list. I like the self care ideas.

    1. Thank you Kathryn. Now I need to put them into practice!

  4. I like these goals. They seem challenging without being overwhelming. Good luck to you!


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