Friday, September 28, 2012

Spiderlegs: The Follow Friday Four Fill-in

TGIF! Which means it's time again for the Follow Friday Four Fill In Blog Hop! Each week, Feeling Beachie gives us four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.
Want to be featured as a Co-Host to the hop? Come up with four fill in’s of your own and email them to her at If she uses them, you get a nice little mention in that weeks hop! Please help her out and email some statements! This week’s co-host is Ali from Daughter-in-Law Diaries  she came up with the last two statements.

Since Feeling Beachie is sharing with us - it's only fair that we share also!  Please be sure to tweet, facebook, etc about the Follow Friday blog hop. If you tweet, please use #f5-bloghop And add the little linky tool there at the bottom to your own blog if you participate!

This week’s statements:

1. when I was little I was called ___
2. ___are my favorite candy
3. If I could have one magical power it would be______
4. If I could go back to school it would be to become a _________

My Responses:
1. When I was little I was called Spiderlegs by my dad because my legs were so skinny and long for my body.
2. Peanut butter cups are my favorite candy and I can't eat them anymore! :0(
3. If I could have one magical power it would be flight.  Or maybe time travel!4. If I could go back to school it would be to become a (if I had a good response to this - I would probably be in school!)


  1. I was called baby giraffe because of my long legs... now I like having long legs.
    I thought about tiime travel too as a super power.
    Have a great weekend

    1. Mine didn't stay long. I grew into them pretty soon.

  2. Oh, long skinny legs, now what a dream for me. I have short,thick legs.
    Time travel, I never thought of that one, it is good one :)
    I love Peanut Butter cups, ahh, too bad you can't eat them anymore.

    1. I wish I still had them! I grew into them by puberty and that was the end of that.

  3. I agree I couldn't pick any place but home however I am making up for the places I haven't seen yet. Hopefully I will fill my bucket list. I love to drive.

  4. Spiderlegs - i think that is cute....


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts!