Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rain On My Parade

Out my living room window the rain is coming down. 

Pouring rain. 

Raining cats and dogs. 

Raining pitchforks and hammer handles.

Monsoon-esque rain.

The type of rain that calls for curling up on the couch with a cup of tea and a book for the afternoon.  Or do some crochet and watch some shows I've had on the DVR for a while.

The kind of rain that makes me not want to leave the house for any reason.

Of course, just as the heavens open up and the bottom falls out - this is the time that the dog starts whining to go out.  Now.  In the midst of the downpour.  And apparently he needs to go right now! 

It also happens to be a day when I need to run to the store and the post office.  And take the male offspring to his guitar lesson.

So, I set the book aside.  Give the crochet hooks a longing look.  And forget the tea.

I resign myself to the fact that my hair is going to be a mess today, no matter what I do. 

I put away the cute shoes; because I know my feet are going to get soaked.

I take a deep breath, pull up the hood on my rain jacket, and brave the rain...


  1. I LOVE those kinds of days...but you're right. It seems every time it pours, we have to run out. So not only has it been very very dry this year and we've hardly had any rain, but on the days I should be able to enjoy it, we have to run out. Oh well, such is life! Good luck with all your errands, and may you stay as dry as you possibly can! Haha.

    1. I love them too. When I can sit and relax and enjoy the rain outside

  2. Hope you didn't get too wet - and that you had a cute, wet, just out of the shower hair look going for you.

    1. HA! I don't think I have a cute just out of the shower look. More like drowned rat! ;0)

  3. Let me get the high-powered super-deluxe blowdryer to help out when you get back! That'll fix you right up. It might take your eyebrows off, but hey, you'll be dry again. ;D

    1. Good grief woman! Are you trying to get me from drowned rat to electicuted poodle in a matter of seconds??

  4. Ah ... this post answers my chat question ... sounds like the kind of rain that despite umbrellas and rain gear can still soak you!

    1. Yes it was! And since around here umbrellas seem to vanish to the same place as the other sock and sunglasses, I was in serious danger. ;0)

  5. Oh boy, isn't that just like life. I love rainy days to do what you had on your list. I make a pot of tea and read, or watch a Jane Austen flick etc. It seems lately those days are very very rare. Sigh!

    1. Rare because you're so busy, or due to lack of rain?

  6. I love rainy days. We don't get nearly enough and with this summer, it may not be a wet winter either (sigh). I really should move to another state where it rains.

    April @ 100lbcountdown.com


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