Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Seven Days Without Coffee: Complete!!

Yah!!  I did it!  I went seven whole entire days without coffee!  (I know!!  I'm still amazed I didn't cave too!)  What better way to celebrate than....

with a hot steaming cup of coffee, of course!! 

I invite you all to share a cup along with me.  I am having a nice dark roast with plenty of half & half, a little sweetener, and a dash of pumpkin syrup. 

Oh, how I have missed you!!

Read more of "Seven Days Without Coffee" Here:


  1. Congratulations! I'll help celebrate with a cup of hot chocolate. :)

  2. Woot! You are a rock star, sista! Congrats. I think I'd need to be dead to have the willpower to hold out. I'm impressed! What's your next challenge? You know I like to read a good challenge... :-)

    1. Thanx! Hmm... I'm thinking about something to force myself to exercise for October. Stay tuned!

  3. Impressive!!! I can't live without my morning iced coffee. It's my one small treat during the day. I could do without if I had to do so. It's my only caffeine since I don't do soda. You rocked it! Way to celebrate. Enjoying my iced Caramel Via Starbucks coffee right now!!

    1. I must have been crazy to give up coffee - even just for a week. I gave up soda about a month ago. And with the exception of 2 brief slips for some gingerale when I felt bad, it's gone well!

  4. Congrats! Do you feel you will drink less now, or drink more tea, or stick with your usual doses of joe?

    1. Not sure. I drank too much this morning and felt jittery! I may do more tea in the afternoons instead of reaching for a cup of coffee.


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