Saturday, September 15, 2012

This Week I Will: Update!

It's time to take a look back at my goals for theweek and see how I've done marking off the ToDo List. 
This was a great week!  I made a lot of progress.  Yah me!! 

  • Do some organizing in craft area! (no, for really reals this time!) Got the crochet patterns organized and into a binder!'s something!
  • Work on items for Queen B's Busy Work Finished a scarf, have another scarf and a baby hat ready to go online, working on some hats for special requests.
  • Finish and return overdue library book Check!
  • Do some more purging in bedroom It's a work in progress.  But I made a little progress.
  • Freezer cooking of gumbo and chili Check!
  • Attend Little Man's open house Check!
  • Attend Man of the House's first softball game of the season Check!
  • Walk at least 2 days
  • Write Check. 
  • Start working on first Christmas present I found the pattern I want to use and picked up the yarn, so I'm counting it as a Check


  1. Amazing! You accomplished so much!

    I love your boldness of just putting these lists out here for all to see whether or not it is all crossed off. It's inspiring!

    1. Thank you. Knowing that the whole world will be able to see if I was a slacker all week helps keep me on track. :)


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