Wednesday, July 18, 2012

20 Beautiful Years!

The Princess is 20 years old today!  It's true what they say about time flying.  One day she was a tiny little baby, and I was a scared new mom without a clue.  Today she is an amazing young woman with a baby of her very own!


  1. Happy birthday to your daughter! A lovely young woman! You are so right; they do grow up so fast; time does fly incredibly fast! I hope she has a great day and year ahead!


  2. Happy birthday to the little princess hope you all celebrated greatly :}

  3. happy birthday to your baby girl! mine will be 30 this december! time flies

    1. The great mystery to me is how they keep getting so much older and we don't! ; )

  4. happy birthday to your baby girl! mine will be 30 this december! time flies

  5. Happy birthday to your baby girl!! I can't imagine...I'm already freaking out that my son is going to be a junior in high school and that my daughter is entering high school.


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