Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday: July 5

I have had such a good week so far.  It's been easy to find blessings to write about for the first week of the Thankful Thursday post.  May it continue to be so simple to see the blessing in my life!

Walks At The Park: The Man of the House and I have been taking the dog for walks at the park in the evening.  It's a nice chance to spend a little time together and get some exercise at the same time.               
Possibly The First Order for Queen B's Busy Work: I don't want to jinx it - but it looks like I am about to have my first official web order for Queen B's Busy Work!  I was starting to feel a little frustrated and discouraged; and I was praying for a sign that I was on the right track.  God has delivered in the form of a potential custom order! 

Time With My Father:  We spent the 4th of July at my father's house for a cookout.  I never felt all that close to my father when I was growing up.  Now that I am an adult, I find that he's a funny, interesting man.  I am so grateful to have opportunities to spend time with him and hear all his stories about growing up and his time in the Navy!


  1. I am a day behind in saying on your thankful Thursday how thankful I am that you are being blessed this week and God is answering prayers. Enjoy the weekend and keep those blessings flowing :))

    1. Thanks Janice! The blessings continue to just overwhelm me! This week has been an amazing display of glory and goodness. I already have enough for next week's list! :)


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