Friday, July 6, 2012

Strep Throat, Shorts, & Public Speaking

Every week Feeling Beachie gives us four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.

Want to be featured as a Co-Host to the hop?  Come up with four fill in’s of your own and email them to her at If she uses them, you get a nice little mention in that weeks hop! Please help her out and email some statements!  This week’s co-host is Janice from Janice’s Footsteps (she came up with the last two statements)

And remember: as mom always said "it's nice to share". So be sure to tweet, facebook, etc about the Follow Friday blog hop. And add the little linky tool there at the bottom to your own blog if you participate!

This week’s statements:
1. I ___ wear___
2. I have had a lot of ___
3. Public speaking makes me__________.
4. My car always has_______because_______.

My responses:
1. I  hate to  wear shorts

2. I have had a lot of strep throat

3. Public speaking makes me nervous until I start talking

4. My car always has a mess in the back seat because of a certain 14 year old boy.



  1. I swear I get strep throat for sure once a year bad enough to go to the hospital but some years I get it a couple of times yuk! Shorts aren't my favorite either I am having not much luck finding a cute pair, Glad you played and have a great weekend!

  2. I am going to knock on wood, I have never had strep throat and thank my lucky stars both my kids only had it here and there when they were young, now they are adults and they don't deal with it anymore either.

    1. I got it several times a year as a kid. And I used to get it at least once a year as an adult. Fortunately I have not had it in a couple of years. (I hope I haven't jinxed myself!)

  3. Do you have a dishwasher? We seem to have stop spreading colds around because the dishes are sterilized. OR have you still got your tinsils?

    1. Sure do. I mostly got it as a kid. There was one year I was getting it about once a month! They talked about taking my tonsils out at that point. But something about worries about rhuematic fever or something ended up putting it on hold, then it eased up. I would still get it about once a year. Fortunately it has been a few yeas since I last had a case. I probably shouldn't say that... I'll probably get a raging sore throat next week now. LOL

  4. I have only had strep once (yes, I am now knocking on wood)

    1. LUCKY!! It's the worst. I keep thinking it's just been too long since I last had it, and that scares me!

  5. Ack, strep throat... no fun. And I don't like to wear short, shorts either. I usually stick to bermuda length shorts or capris. And are you telling me the messes in the car don't go away as they get older... I was so hoping!

    1. I can't even find a pair of bermuda length shorts I feel comfortable in anymore! Ugh...
      Sorry. Maybe it's better for others, but my kid is a mess maker!

  6. I used to get strep throat a lot, too. Had it five times one year! That was when my doctor decided I needed to see a specialist about having my tonsils out. Never happened because the specialist asked if anyone had tested my family. Turned out my husband and BOTH kids were symptom-free carriers! They all did a round of antibiotics and I haven't had strep since. :)

    1. You know... now that you mention that, I do seem to remember from the childhood year I had it so often something about having to get everyone in the family tested and my dad being a carrier!

  7. I have never had strep, knock on wood, but bronchitis seems to be my best friend.


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