Friday, July 20, 2012

So Far Behind

There's so much to do!  Sooooo much!  I always feel like I am getting further behind instead of making any progress on things. 

I can't stand feeling behind!  Seriously.  Can. NOT. Stand. It. 

All I ask is for a brief time to have everything caught up.  To be able to just sit for a few moments and enjoy the feeling of having absolutely nothing to do.  Not one single thing on my To Do List.  No where to be.  Just a sense of "done-ness".

Do you think that moment exists anywhere in the universe? 

Probably not this side of heaven.


  1. Um yep i tried looking for it myself and ...well...I just got farther behind because I also got lost trying to get back to where I left off and wasn't smart enough to leave the trail of bread crumbs LOL I do love the sense of doneness hmmm. Take it easy on yourself and one thing at a time and what gets done gets done and what doesn't well another day for that be pleased at what you did accomplish ","

    1. bread crumbs. LOL You'd just end up having to add "clean up bread crumbs" to the to do list!

  2. LOL have you seen all of my to do lists, in the List Lovers group? I am ALWAYS behind and I think I've only scratched everything off ONCE. I usually don't even come close.

    I don't think the goal, usually, is to get it done. I think the goal is to acknowledge the things you need/want to do, and putting them on the list gives you a tool to focus on them a bit. If you don't get them done, then maybe it wasn't time -- put them on the list again. At some point, you'll get there.

    I probably sound like a weirdo, but that's where I am with lists. I love them, have to make them, but don't usually feel like I'm screwing up or falling behind when things aren't done.

    1. I don't really feel like a screw up when I fall behind. It's not even so much that I'm behind. It's the feeling of adding 3 things to the list for every one I cross off. Just once I'd like to have everything done.

  3. you made the to do list, that's the first step!

    ps: i have laundry mountains in the laundry room. B E H I N D #grandkidscomefirst

    1. I think I've accepted that the laundry is a process rather than an item to cross of the list. ; )

  4. I was at that point yesterday. I even took a day off work and told NOBODY I would be home. Hubby was even out at a show. I was able to accomplish so much that had been sitting for sooooo long. Now, it will be a long time again I am sure before I have quiet!

    1. Ahhh... smart! Sneak in and get a bunch done when no one is looking!

  5. Unfortunately, I don't think I have every had that feeling. Even as a child, there was always something I wanted/needed to do that wasn't done yet.

    1. Me either. I'm starting to think it doesn't really exist


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