Sunday, July 1, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different

It's July!  JULY! 

How in the world is it July already? And where exactly did June disappear to?  How is one entire half of this year past and gone already?  Hmm.  Well, I must be having fun; because time certainly is flying!

Trying a few new things for July...

Goals:  Listed here on the blog.  Maybe weekly, definitely for the month  With a followup post at the end of the month (week) telling how I did meeting those goals. 

The Week In Pictures:  I'm going to try to snap a picture or two every day and on Fridays share them in a "The Week in Pictures" post.

Counting My Blessings:  A weekly post listing at least 3 blessing I'm thankful for that week.  And it can't always just be the same old "I'm thankful for my husband and my kids".  Everyone knows I am thankful for the man of the house and our offspring.  It has to be more specific than that!

I still can't believe it's already July... man.. It's going to be Christmas before we know it!


  1. no, don't say the "C" word (Christmas). But you are right, the year is going by way too fast! great idea with the count your blessings postings!


    1. I'm not ready to think about Christmas yet either. Used to work with a lady who always had her shopping DONE by now. Crazy!!

  2. Look forward to reading your upcoming posts! June did fly by! I, am not enjoying this heat, so I am driving hubby batty praying for Oct to hurry up and get here... Have a great 4th.

    1. Oh no! Please don't pray for October yet. I'm not even ready for July! : )

  3. Ugh...I can't even think of Christmas when it's been 100F+ outside! Good luck on your July NaBloPoMo!

    1. Thanx Cath! Maybe this month I'll finally actually complete it! :)


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