Monday, July 9, 2012

SoleHope Shoe Cutting Party

We gathered together with scraps of denim, cotton, scissors, and potluck dishes.  It led to an afternoon of fun, food, and fellowship.

Yesterday the Connect group we belong to at our church came together to have a Shoe Cutting Party to support SoleHope.   What is a shoe cutting party?  And what is SoleHope?  I am so glad you asked!

According to their website, SoleHope is "a group of passionate, committed people who are putting closed toed shoes on African children, one pair at a time." 

When you host a Shoe Cutting Party to support SoleHope you you whave the chance to cut out shoe uppers that will be taken to Africa, sewn by Sole Hope shoemakers for a fair wage and then put on a child's foot who cannot afford a pair of shoes. 

Our group was blessed to complete sets for 34 pairs of shoes!

If you would like more information about SoleHope, please visit their website:


  1. This was such a touching video. I am so happy your group was able to make shoes for 34 needy children. It is such a basic need that we forget others don't have. Did you sew them? I can't sew a stitch.. I am thinking there must be somewhere to donate to. I can do that. You are inspiring..

    1. No sewing involved! Just cutting out the fabric pattern pieces. SoleHope takes the patterns to Africa and pays women fair wages to construct the shoes! It's a win-win for women and children in that part of the world.


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